The High Flying Trapeze Resource Page for Australia , New Zealand

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Clubs & Private Groups



We are a company committed to providing safe, quality, and passionate instruction and performance of flying trapeze and circus arts for all ages and levels.  We are located at the Byron Bay Beach Resort in Byron Bay, NSW.
Flying Trapeze Australia Pty. Ltd.
38 Mia Court
Ocean Shores, NSW 2483
Mobile #: (61) 0417073668


Sydney Trapeze School
Building 2K 1-7 Unwins Bridge Rd St Peters, NSW 2044
Tel: 02 9557 9668 / 0416 133 127
Quasar - Flying Trapeze (Australia
Sydney and the Sunshine Coast 
Sydney phone Belinda: 0412402742
Sunshine Coast phone Greg: 0413384245


Circus OZ  Circus school
PO Box 504
Port Melbourne 3207
Victoria, Australia
Phone: +613 96468899 , Fax: +613 96469334


National Institute of Circus Arts
Swinburne University of Technology
144 High Street
VIC 3181
Tel: 613 9855 0988
Fax: 613 9855 0472

The National Institute of Circus Arts is a three year, full-time Bachelor degree in circus arts which encompasses all areas of circus and physical theatre performance. We are the only school in Australia that offers such a high level of training and as such we are keen to promote our course to international students.

IN regard to trapeze and aerial training, we currently have Olga Sidorava, Katherine Niesche, Arturo Gomez and Lu Guang Rong all teaching aerial. We offer an evening course in aerial two nights per week, and the next term begins on July 24th. If you are interested in finding out more, visit or website at
I look forward to hearing more from the Trapeze World.

Trix Circus
Trapeze Rig, and Circus school .
We are located in Queensland Australia, on the Gold Coast.
Our Web site is ,

Circ's'cool (Jamesand Schantal)23 racecourse crescent launceston 7250 tasmania australia




Resorts & Camps

NSW Academy of sport Narrabeen 
(trapeze Camp: Jan, Apr. June, Sep.)
provided by Quasar - Flying Trapeze
phone/fax: 02 95977723
quasartrapeze@hotmail .com

Aerial Dance Groups

dropArt aerial dancers, A troupe of four women specializing in aerial spectaculars, usually using an abseiling-type rope and harness configuration. 
Based in Adelaide, South Australia, they have performed professionally for the opening of many events and festivals and also performances in their own right, to crowds of up to 20,000. For more info. contact:
 Adelaide, South Australia
Ingrid Kleinig
ph. (+61) 0412 617 212


      For Web related info e-mail to:   ludwig @